He believed that UFOs could become a serious threat to
national security and despised ... to secretly exercise control over
the extraterrestrial situation. ... the government will not
acknowledge that any report by General MacArthur... www.paranormalnewscentral.com/.../115-ufos-the-secret-report-ordered-by-general-douglas-macarthur
- En caché
On October 8, 1955, General Douglas MacArthur
made the first of two public ... his Presidency concerning a possible
threat by extraterrestrial life is
... www.examiner.com/x-2383-Honolulu-Exopolitics-Examiner~y2009m2d18-Are-Extraterrestrials-the-Enemy
- En caché
- Similares
On October 8, 1955, former U.S.
General Douglas MacArthur, who had been ... Ronald
Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev and the “UFO Alien” extraterrestrial
invasion ... to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and
the threat of war?
... www.examiner.com/x-2912-Seattle-Exopolitics-Examiner~y2009m2d17-Ronald-Reagan-and-Russian-leader-Gorbachev-pr...
- En caché
- Similares
Corso endorsed comments such as General Douglas
Macarthur's claim in 1955 .... The real national security
threat posed by some extraterrestrial visitors is
... www.bibliotecapleyades.net/.../esp_exopolitics_ZZN.htm -
En caché
- Similares
War hero General Douglas
MacArthur spoke of "an ultimate conflict ... It also warned
about the possible threats of open contact with
... www.bibliotecapleyades.net/.../esp_exopolitics_F_h.htm -
En caché
By the time it was finished in the late 1940s,
McArthur's Report on the Foo ... D.C. did not particularly
like or admire General MacArthur, ...MacArthur's
extraterrestrial theory about the origin of the Foo Fighters, but not
all. ... not so much because of any threat from without, but
because of
... lucianarchy.proboards.com/index.cgi?board...action... -
En caché
Most direct was Gen. McArthur who, in his
retirement and farewell speech ... and come together in solidarity to
deter this ominous extraterrestrial threat?
... www.webworker.com/.../photon.belt.part2.html -
En caché
- Similares
General MacArthur, famous for his statement about
interplanetary was being .... as well as the threat from
aliens of different character that were detected
... www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/.../aliens_secret_treaty.htm
- En caché
In addition, programs studying extraterrestrial
technologies and .... Dr. Rosin a plan to justify weapons in spaced
based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial threat. ....General Douglas MacArthur organized a group called the
... www.disclosureproject.org/.../es-wit-test-government.htm -
En caché
7 Mar 2010 ... It is apparent these Frenchmen see an
apparent threat from ... You must ponder if a hostile
extraterrestrial invasion of Earth is a legitimate fear? ...
US General Douglas MacArthur warned cadets at his beloved
... www.nationalufocenter.com/artman/publish/article_267.php -
En caché
General Douglas MacArthur organized a group
called the Interplanetary ..... a plan to justify weapons in spaced
based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial threat.
... www.topsecrettestimony.com/.../tabid/.../Default.aspx -
En caché
- Similares
The foregoing is a general scientific understanding of
the Photon Belt phenomenon .....McArthur who, in his
retirement and farewell speech before the United ... come together in
solidarity to deter this ominous extraterrestrial threat?
... www.2012.com.au/Photon_belt.html - En caché
- Similares
Supreme Allied Commanders Mountbatten and MacArthur
General Douglas MacArthur stated: .... As President
Eisenhower had warned about the threat of the
... groups.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=groups... -
En caché
My opinion for some time has been that they have an
extraterrestrial origin. ... An astonishing statement by
Gen. Douglas MacArthur that, "...the next war ...
"The US Airforce assures me that UFO's pose no threat to
National Security. ... www.netscientia.com/ufo_quotes.html -
En caché
- Similares
The passage acknowledges that hard evidence of alien
life has yet to emerge. ... suddenly there was a threat to
this world from some other species from another ...General
Douglas MacArthur. You now face a new world, a world of change.
... ufos.my100megs.com/ufoquotes.htm - En caché
15 May 2009 ... The government has in its possession
"extraterrestrial vehicles," ... ·General Douglas
MacArthur, the Korean and Second World War soldier. ... that
alert soldiers to threats faster the conscious mind can process them.
... inphobe.blogspot.com/2009_05_15_archive.html -
En caché
However, his announcements were barely noticed by the
general public. ..... [28] Macarthur may well have
been alluding to the same extraterrestrials that Corso .....
expect the superpowers to do if there were an extraterrestrial
... www.internationalnewsagency.org/us_astronauts_and_the_ufo_encoun.htm
- Similares
To its credit, X Files has dealt with the idea that
extraterrestrials... Perhaps we need some outside, universal
threat to make us realize this common bond. ...General Douglas MacArthur, 1955) Some one remarked that the
best way to ... www.mackwhite.com/tv.html - En caché
- Similares
Former Five Star General of the Army,
Douglas MacArthur, 1955. ... briefing presidents about
extraterrestrials after President Kennedy.
... www.disclose.tv/.../quotes-from-famous-politicians-astronauts-regarding-ufo-et-t18256.html
- En caché
3 Jul 2006 ...General Douglas MacArthur
organized a group called the ... Stone has seen living and dead
extraterrestrials in his official duties ... As a direct
result, we will become a threat to them unless we spiritually grow
also. ... ufology.wikia.com/wiki/Clifford_Stone - En caché
- Similares
My father's fleet got the strictest orders from general
MacArthur's desk to head directly ... for threats on
governments since the times of early Great Britain. .... Aliens, alien
implants, Crop Formations Produced by Extraterrestrials,
... www.rstolley.com/Buddhism.htm - En caché
17 Apr 2008 ...Macarthur was already very aware
of extraterrestrial reality with one ... Air Force
General Senator Barry Goldwater said, "It is true that I
... www.americanchronicle.com/articles/58835 - En caché
“Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The
Vatican is receiving much ... Earth as prisoners because we are a very
real threat to interstellar peace. ...General
Douglas MacArthur (the only American military officer ever to hold
... www.ancestryofman.com/observation.html - En caché
"The US Airforce assures me that UFO's pose no threat to
National Security. ...General Douglas MacArthur,
October 8, 1955 (From the book Above Top Secret ... is that UFOs are
probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in something that
... www.jeffreymardis.com/UFO.html - En caché
- Similares
An address by General Douglas MacArthur to the
United States Military .... on Extraterrestrial Life Continue:
Threats Used to Prevent Diplomatic Leaks
... www.hidden-truth.org/index.php/Page-6.html - En caché
General Douglas MacArthur, the Korean and
Second World War soldier, ... Note: For a concise summary of evidence
for UFOs and extra-terrestrial visitors
... www.wanttoknow.info/ufosnewsarticles - En caché
- Similares
25 May 2008 ...General Douglas
MacArthur - Oct. 8, 1955 (From "Above Top Secret" ... Nations:
"I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews
... would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from
outside this world. ... www.timstouse.com/ufos.htm -
En caché
"The President is well aware of the threat you document
so ...Generals Douglas MacArthur and John A. McDavid
both made ... Scientists and others have often postulated that
extraterrestrial societies more advanced than
... aliencases.conforums.com/index.cgi?board=disclose... -
En caché
... determine the threat potential of the
evaluation by the Army of the mating of the Atom ... officer on
General Douglas MacArthur's staff during the Korean War;
... He also discusses the role that extraterrestrial
technology played in
... preterhuman.net/texts/other/crystalinks/roswell.html -
En caché
---General Douglas MacArthur- Oct. 8, 1955
(From "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good) "I believe that these
extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are ... would
vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
... www.ufoevidence.org › Unsorted
Documents 5 - En caché
- Similares
23 Dic 2009 ... En ese tiempo el General McArthur
sintió que la siguiente guerra sería con los ..... and other witnesses
to UFO and Extraterrestrial events.
... realidadalternativa.wordpress.com/2009/12/23/ -
En caché
21 Apr 2008 ... The notion that extraterrestrials
might visit this planet is so much a part of ...General
Douglas MacArthur, 1955) Some one remarked that the best way to unite
... And where was this "alien threat" motif given birth?
... www.informationliberation.com/?id=25167 - Similares
General Douglass MacArthur pre- dicted that the
next world war would be fought ... If the threat IS real then
the counter- attack will be a total farce in
... www.beyondweird.com/.../Bruce_Walton_The_Underground_Nazi_Invasion_4.html
- En caché
- Similares
12 Feb 2008 ...General MacArthur, famous for his
statement about interplanetary was .....extraterrestrials,
and they will not pose a military threat to
... www.galactic-server.net/rune/coverhist.html - En caché
24 Oct 2003 ... It is more > probable, in our
judgement, that such a threat will > have to be ... In
1955, General Douglas MacArthur was quoted as > saying,
... www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.../msg108734.html -
En caché
9 Feb 2008 ... These Files assume that
extraterrestrial intelligent life not only ...General Douglas MacArthur also spoke of "an ultimate
conflict between a ... and mine might be if suddenly there was a
threat to this world from some
... www.uforc.com/.../UFOs-Changed-History_George-Filer_020908.htm
- En caché
To counter this threat, Federal agencies and
professional UFO disinformers .... When he claimed that the Phoenix
Lights had to be of extraterrestrial origin, .....Macarthur's air commander, General Brereton, wanted to do
just that,
... www.briansbetterworld.com/.../The%20Phoenix%20Lights.htm -
En caché
- Similares
3 Feb 2009 ... Five Star General Douglas
Macarthur, 1955 ... worldwide, would vanish if we were facing
an alien threat from outside this world.”
... exopolitics.blogspot.com/.../significant-quotes.html -
En caché
- Similares
UFOs from Space with UFO news about Aliens and
Extraterrestrials. ...General MacArthur : Believed
to have been involved in establishing the ... "Some of these people who
have given witness testimony had death threats not to reveal
... webspace.webring.com/people/.../UFOs_Aliens_News.html -
En caché
5 May 2010 ...General Douglas
MacArthur, Address to the US Military Academy, West Point, May 12th
1962 ... how could we then handle that threat, if it ever were
there, ... to lead naïve citizens into extraterrestrial
superstitions, ... www.openminds.tv/hawking-response/ -
En caché
20 Nov 2008 ... "The US Air Force assures me that UFO's
pose no threat to National Security." ...
"Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. .....General Douglas MacArthur (1955). Harry Allen Jordan - US
Navy, Radar Operator, ... hubpages.com/hub/2012TIMEWAVEZERO -
En caché
- Similares
We are for the first time in history becoming a
threat to ourselves and probably ...
"Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The Vatican is
receiving .....General Douglas MacArthur. Harry
Allen Jordan - US Navy, Radar Operator,
... hubpages.com/.../A-List-of-Respected-People-Who-Have-See-Evidence-of-UFOs
- En caché
"Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The
Vatican is receiving much ... An astonishing statement by Gen.
Douglas MacArthur that, "...the next war ... "The US Airforce
assures me that UFO's pose no threat to National Security.
... www.ilfufo.com/making_the_incredible_credible -
En caché
- Similares
Corso believed these forced a 'negotiated surrender' suggesting
an extraterrestrial agenda that was suspect. While General
Douglas Macarthur didn't directly
... www.thewatcherfiles.com/eisenhower.html - En caché
- Similares
General Douglas MacArthur- Oct. 8, 1955
... if we were facing an alien threat from outside this
world." . .... UFO abductions alien abductions x files UFO UFOs
Extraterrestrial This is not a x-files site nor an xfiles site.
... www.qtm.net/~geibdan/quote.html - En caché
- Similares
de R Pinotti - 1990 -
por 3 - Artículos
relacionados In fact, since the impact of CETI (Contact with
Extraterrestrial Intelligence) on ..... evidence of any direct
threat from UFO fighting was wholly lacking, ... In 1955
General MacArthur, visiting Italy, discussed with Mr. Achille Lauro,
... linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/0094576590901369
25 Nov 2009 ... An astonishing statement by Gen.
Douglas MacArthur that, “…the next ... “The US Airforce
assures me that UFO's pose no threat to National Security..”
... the governments knowledge of extraterrestrial UFO's at
this time.
... www.getxnews.com/.../famous-quotes-about-ufos-and-the-alien-ufo-sightings-phenomena/
- En caché
Macarthur may well have been alluding to the same
extraterrestrials that Co-so, ... to the
extraterrestrial presence and what to tell the general
public. ... www.info-quest.org/documents/Eisenhowerufo.html -
En caché
The Vatican is receiving much information about
extraterrestrials and their ... "The US Air Force assures me
that UFOs pose no threat to National Security." .....General Douglas MacArthur. Doyle Kline - Scripps, Howard
Staff Writer ... www.squidoo.com/ufo-coverups - En caché
- Similares
... Corso performed Intelligence duties under
General Douglas MacArthur as Chief of .... The
decision to keep that threat a closely guarded secret even within the
... that the United States had retrieved from crashed
extraterrestrial vehicles. Corso said that his commanding officer,
General Trudeau, had joked that
... alienautopsy-yes.com/corso.html - En caché
General Douglas McArthur publicly vented that
apprehension in his well known ...threat to the USA but
reporting of UFOs might trigger mass hysteria”. .... through public
diplomacy with the Extra-terrestrial intelligent beings who are
... www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/article-deGourdon-1.html -
En caché
The first public source alleging a meeting with
extraterrestrials was Gerald Light .... would leave us
helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. .... While
General Douglas Macarthur didn't directly mention any
government treaty ... www.exopolitics.org/Study-paper-8.htm -
En caché
- Similares
1 Jan 2002 ... Apparently a signal was received from
General MacArthur's staff in Tokyo, ... view that some UFO
sightings might well be extraterrestrial in origin. ..... the
UFO phenomenon looking for evidence of any threat to the UK.
... www.nickpope.net/official_history.htm - En caché
- Similares
Apparently a signal was received from General
MacArthur's staff in Tokyo, ... openly the view that some UFO
sightings might well be extraterrestrial in origin. .....
the UFO phenomenon looking for evidence of any threat to the UK.
... www.nickpope.net/ufos-an-official-history.htm -
En caché
General Douglas McArthur publicly vented that
apprehension in his well known ...threat to the USA but
reporting of UFOs might trigger mass hysteria”. .... through public
diplomacy with the Extra-terrestrial intelligent beings who are
... comecarpentier.com/world_public_forum.htm - En caché
News and Views/Meteoritics: Extraterrestrial amino acids
and terrestrial life (C.F. Chyba). ... Treating terrorism: The
bioweapons threat (C.F. Chyba). .... Science, Technology, and
Security Meeting, MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, IL, ... NASA
Astrobiology Institute General Meeting, Tempe, AZ, February 10, 2003.
... www.seti.org/Page.aspx?pid=519 - En caché
- Similares
21 Jan 2010 ... While General Douglas
MacArthur didn't directly mention any ... "Any encounter with
entities known to be of extra-terrestrial origin is to
... www.abidemiracles.com/56789.htm - En caché
- Similares
“Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The
Vatican is receiving much ... Because we are a threat to
interstellar peace, there will come a day of ...General
Douglas MacArthur (the only American military officer ever to hold
the ... www.goddesscathrine.com/william/observation.html -
En caché
Jeff Peckman is also and Activist who runs the
Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission. .... but happen when
something in our airspace is deemed to be a threat". ...
officer on General Douglas MacArthur's staff during the
Korean War; ... www.panacea-bocaf.org/disclosureproject.htm -
En caché
- Similares
de C Goldberg - 2000 -
por 4 - Artículos
relacionados medals General MacArthur would have been proud to
wear. ..... and in individuals who believe in extraterrestrial
visitation the hallucinations may .... alien abductions are likely to
experience this threat even more keenly than do other
... www.springerlink.com/index/h08036420l503g82.pdf
2 Aug 2009 ... War hero General Douglas
MacArthur spoke of "an ultimate conflict ... about the
possible threats of open contact with extraterrestrials.
... www.presidentialufo.com/.../99-reagan-ufo-story -
En caché
- Similares
20 Nov 2008 ... "The US Air Force assures me that UFO's
pose no threat to National Security." ... with the emerging
general realization of extraterrestrial contact.
.....General Douglas MacArthur (1955) Harry Allen
Jordan - US Navy,
... www.articleslash.net/.../514885__2012-and-the-Alien-Connection-Could-the-Truth-About-UFOs-Be-Revealed-in-Decemb...
- Estados Unidos - En caché
14 Feb 2008... officer who served on General
MacArthur's staff in Korea, .... against the other but against the
threat of extraterrestrial invasion.
... search.barnesandnoble.com/.../9780671017569 - En caché
- Similares
Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The
Fiftieth ..... that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an
obvious alien threat. .... While General Douglas
Macarthur didn't directly mention any government treaty with
... www.american.edu/salla/Articles/Exo-SP-8.htm -
En caché
- Similares
12 Sep 2009 ... Five Star General Douglas
Macarthur, Oct. 8, 1955 ... worldwide, would vanish if we were
facing an alien threat from outside this world. .... of
disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence by the world's
... lastdaywatchers.com/.../the-ufo-phenomenon-the-next-great-challenge-for-the-church/
- En caché
plays General Remora. Yeah, Remora, as in the Remora shark.
... chomping caricature that shifts between a General
MacArthur impersonation
... www.dreadcentral.com/reviews/blue-demon-2004 -
En caché
21 Jan 2010 ... While General Douglas
MacArthur didn't directly mention any ... the
extraterrestrial presence and what to tell the general
public. ..... Grandfather Economic Report: Threats to our
Economic Future · If this is Recovery…
... quantumpranx.wordpress.com/eisenhowers-1954-meeting-with-extraterrestrials/
- En caché
The threat of war was in the air, both in Reich's
embattled personal life and ... while no less a personage than
General Douglas MacArthur would warn only a ... to
keep the military posted on the extraterrestrial-combat uses of
orgone. ... www.projectcamelot.org/reich.html - En caché
- Similares
... officer on General Douglas
MacArthur's staff during the Korean War; ... Colonel Corso
tells that there were five extraterrestrials, 4-1/2 feet ....
Corso depicts the CIA as a more serious threat than the Soviets ever
were, .... he was stationed at the Pentagon under the command of
General Arthur
... www.irishufology.net/forums/index.php?...778 -
En caché
- Similares
Vol. 2, n.º 43 - 44 páginas -
Revista Several decades ago, General Douglas
MacArthur warned that the next World War ... of spacemen who
they see as a threat to the military-industrial complex?
... books.google.es/books?id=5O8DAAAAMBAJ... -
resultados de libros »
obvious alien threat. We also had
nothing in history to help with the decision. ... of
extraterrestrials may have been covered in the treaty. Wolf has
...Macarthur over the true motivations of the Greys. It is
worth repeating ... 'authorities'" on whether to inform the
general public or not. It is
... tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/prepare4contact/.../57770 -
En caché
REPRESENT A THREAT TO THE .... seems like an odd method to
inform the public of extraterrestrials, ..... Mayor Achille
Lauro of Naples, quoting General Douglas MacArthur in the
NEW ... www.think-aboutit.com/dulce/E-LEARMS.html -
En caché
- Similares
8 Jul 2010 ... The Extraterrestrial Phenomena
Political Action Committee, X-PPAC, .... years and as such constitute a
grave threat to our US national security. ..... officer on
General Douglas MacArthur's staff during the Korean War;
... saveib.com/saveib/?q=node/2728 - En caché
Corso credited Lt. Gen. Nathan Twining as the author of
the Unofficial Disclosure ... give life back to lifeless things that
Reich saw in himself the extraterrestrial visitor, ...
including the most important one: making real on his threats.
....General MacArthur's delusions of grandiosity and
persecution had gone
... www.paranoiamagazine.com/earthstoodstill.html -
En caché
- Similares
General Douglas
MacArthur, 1955. Where was this "alien threat" motif given
... was to test of the public's willingness to believe in
... thezeitgeistmovement.com/.../index.php?... - En caché
- Similares
de R Torry - 1991 - Citado
por 8 - Artículos
relacionados absolute safety from further threat recommends
the longing for apocalyptic ..... "more profound level of
consciousness" offered mankind by the extraterrestrial...
induct additional young men until Truman had granted General
MacArthur... www.jstor.org/stable/1225159 - Similares
While General Douglas MacArthur didn't directly
mention any government Treaty with ... to the extraterrestrial
presence and what to tell the general public.
... deotrosmundos.com/alien_interview_and_the_greada_treaty -
En caché
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista
rápida we were facing an alien threat from outside this World.
....General Douglas MacArthur, Oct. 8, 1955: "You
now face a new World, a world of change. We ... accepting the theory
that they come from some extraterrestrial source.
... www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Quotes_1.pdf -
23 Jul 2009 ... When a new president was elected or a new
Secretary General came on ... was it a stupid slip, or did he
really mean “the UFO threat” in the
... latestufosightings.us/.../what-did-reagan-know-about-ufos/
- En caché
"We have indeed been contacted by
extraterrestrial beings, and the US government ...General Douglas McArthur- October 8th, 1955 . ...
worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside
of this world.
... www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread308063/pg1 -
En caché
The notion that extraterrestrials might
visit this planet is so much a ... vanish if we were facing an alien
threat from outside this world.î ...General Douglas
MacArthur, 1955 ìSome one remarked that the best way to
... indigosociety.com/showthread.php?13700-This... -
En caché
UFOs and extraterrestrial technologies - astonishing
disclosure by ... to believe that US Army General Douglas
MacArthur was fully aware of ET intelligence. .... Newsletter
(June 2002) by Dr. Greer about a staged threat from outer space
... www.share-berlin.info/ufo.htm - En caché
- Similares
20 Aug 2009... location for the study of
extraterrestrial flying saucers. .... And I ask you, does not
this threat alread exsist? ... --Brigadier Gen. James
Mc Divitt command pilot of the Gemini space .... During the Korean War
(1950-1953), Corso performed intelligence duties under General
Douglas MacArthur as ... www.myspace.com/davidicke1 -
En caché
Philip J. Corso, Philip Corso, William J. Birnes -
1999 - Fiction - 352 páginas ... response to what they
perceived as threats from extraterrestrials was, ...
Second, General Trudeau and his counterparts in the other branches of
... books.google.es/books?isbn=0671036955...
3 Dec 2008... and soon, the manhunt for the perceived
threat that he is reaches a head, .... the time it takes to
view for fans of all things extraterrestrial. ...General
MacArthur commenting on the return home of troops in Japan
... project-blu.com/reviews/tdtess.html - En caché
- Similares
During the Korean War, he continued his Intelligence duties under
General Douglas MacArthur. ... The only thing
"extraterrestrial" in Philip Corso's book "The Day After .....
An ALIEN presence known to the general public would cause, if not a
... Why was there a Russian threat when the real war was with
the greys?
... greyfalcon.us/The%20Day%20After%20Roswell.htm -
En caché
- Similares
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista
rápida News and Views/Meteoritics: Extraterrestrial amino
acids and terrestrial life (C.F. Chyba). 1990. ... Treating
terrorism: The bioweapons threat (C.F. Chyba). ....
Secretary-General's High-level Panel Report. International Peace
Academy, March 3, 2005 ..... John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation, 2003-2005
... iis-db.stanford.edu/staff/2049/Christopher_Chyba-CV.pdf
de C Goldberg - 2000 -
por 4 - Artículos
relacionados medals General MacArthur would have been proud to
wear. ..... and in individuals who believe in extraterrestrial
visitation the hallucinations may .... alien abductions are likely to
experience this threat even more keenly than do other
... www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/jocp/2000/00000030/.../00298430?...
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista
rápida if we were facing an Alien threat from outside this
world.” Addressing the United Nations. General Assembly, 1987
... invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the
...General Douglas MacArthur. “Because of the
... www.majesticdocuments.com/pdf/famous_quotes_pres.pdf -
9 Jun 2010 ... The President and General
MacArthur had agreed, that the U.S.A. should abhor any ..... maw
of a presently onrushing threat of a new dark age for this planet as
a whole. .... Our Extraterrestrial Imperative - The Mission
... www.larouchepac.com/node/14795 - En caché
Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat
of a closed society ..... 1000000 extraterrestrial
civilizations in our galaxy (the Milky Way) alone. .... author: -
General Douglas MacArthur quote: "Fundamental
Bible-believing ... criticalunity.org/quotes.txt -
En caché
According to the late conspiracy theorist Bill Cooper, James
Forrestal may have been one of the first victims of what General
Douglas MacArthur once
... www.niburu.nl/index.php?articleID=19914 - En caché
- Similares
19 Oct 2005 ... At that time, General MacArthur
felt that the next war would be with aliens from other worlds. ....
Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat... www.luisprada.com/.../underground_military_bases.htm -
En caché
Featured are Douglas Macarthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower's
son recalls his father's distinguished career as general and
president, and along the way has much to
... am20.regaldata.com/generaldwightdeisenhower.html -
En caché
Officials agreed that for extraterrestrial technology,
the Grays could test their ..... At that time, General
MacArthur felt that the next war would be with .... Star Wars and
Apparent Alien Threat. Still, 68% of the military budget is
... uforeview.tripod.com/philschneider.html - En caché
“The US Air Force assures me that UFOs pose no threat to
National Security.” ... “I believe that these extraterrestrial
vehicles and their crews are visiting .....General Douglas
MacArthur. Doyle Kline – Scripps, Howard Staff Writer
... usahitman.com/?p=6319 - En caché
General Douglas MacArthur Oct. 8,
1955 ..... extra-dimensional, extra-terrestrial,
secret space program, and of course ... If the government admits they
are here because they are a threat, then its now public knowledge.
... www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/.../pg1 - En caché
Former Five Star General of the Army, Douglas
MacArthur, 1955. ... of insiders stopped briefing presidents
about extraterrestrials after President Kennedy.
... www.stargate-chronicles.com/those_who_know.html -
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General Douglas MacArthur. “We shall have World
Government, .... The Prophecy Answer Book · Storm Warning: Whether
global recession, terrorist threats,
... www.the-gates-of-hell.com/.../illuminati-quotes/ -
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In the Pacific theater of war, General Douglas
MacArthur authorized intelligence ..... that sightings
categorized as UNIDENTIFIED are extraterrestrial vehicles. ...
As the cost of weapons systems have increased and as the threat to
U.S. ... www.airforcehistory.hq.af.mil/.../histechintel.htm -
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